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The Swedish Report on Demonstrable Progress - Under the Kyoto Protocol Ds 2005:57

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This document constitutes Sweden´s report on the demonstrable progress that the nation has made towards fulfilling its commitments under Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol. An important cornerstone in the Swedish climate strategy is an ambitious national climate policy, and the firdt climate policy objective for Sweden was adopted as early as 1988. Sweden´s ambition is to be at the forefront of the transformation required to achieve the extensive reductions in emissions that are needed in the long term. As Sweden has long worked with climate policy instruments that aim to reduce the nation´s impact on the climate, Sweden can now present the clear and tangible results of the policy pursued. At the same time, Sweden believes that international co-operation is of decisive importance in the effort to achieve acceptably low levels of greenhouse gases, and is therefore participating actively in this. Sweden is already able to show that the link between economic growth and the emission of greenhouse gases can be broken, and can also present one of the lowest emission levels per capita among the industrialised countries. Over the last five years, emissions have been below the level recorded in 1990 by an average of over 4 percent.