Skrivelse från Utrikesdepartementet
The Government's Humanitarian Aid Policy Skr. 2004/05:52
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Regeringens skrivelse om humanitär biståndspolitik, på engelska
The Governmen's Humanitarian Aid Policy
In this Communication the Government reports on its humanitarian aid policy, including the goals, principles and instruments of this policy. The goal of the government's policy is to help to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity for the benefit of people in need who are, or are at risk of becoming, affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters or other disaster situations. The basic principle is that the Swedish Government and its agencies should, in accordance with international law and established practice in international humanitarian aid operations, be prepared to offer assistance in cases where the central government or society as a whole in a disaster-stricken country is unable or unwilling to meet the humanitarian needs that arise.