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Strategier för internationellt bistånd från Utrikesdepartementet

Region strategy: South America 2003-2007 Diarienummer: UD 03.030

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Regionstrategi: Sydamerika 2003-2007, på engelska Region strategy: South America 2003-2007 The strategy presented here was elaborated in 2002 under the leadership of a working group appointed by the Department for Latin America at the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). Most of the work on the sections on Bolivia and Colombia was carried out in the field. An important element of the process was the consultations that took place between various Swedish and national stakeholders in Bolivia and Colombia (see the relevant country strategies). Five studies were commissioned as input to the analysis of the region.1 An internal and an external reference group were set up for the benefit of all those with an interest in the strategy drafting process. Seminars were held with these groups before the strategy process was launched, after the five studies were completed and after a broad consultation exercise in July and August 2002. Continuous consultations took place with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) throughout the strategy process.