Results strategy: Zambia 2013 - 2017 Diarienummer: UD 13.020
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This results strategy governs the use of funds allocated under appropriation item 9 "Africa" in the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) appropriation directions for each financial year. The strategy will apply for the period 2013-2017 and comprises a maximum of SEK 1.75 billion.
Activities within the strategy aim to contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable growth in Zambia, with the focus on increasing poor people's opportunities to support themselves by obtaining work and starting and running productive businesses, and on improving the basic health of women and children. Furthermore, Swedish development cooperation activities will contribute to strengthening democratic accountability and poor people's awareness of their rights.
The main target groups are women, children, young people and entrepreneurs.
Sweden's development cooperation activities in Zambia will contribute to further reducing Zambia's dependence on aid and making economic growth sustainable.